Course materials with Antora
The purpose of this (dummy) course materials site is to illustrate the capabilities of Antora/AsciiDoctor to write and organize such documents. It is therefore aimed at teachers who, like me, have tested with dissatisfaction PDF course materials written with LibreOffice, designed and published with Moodle, powered with CMS (SPIP, Zope, Plone) or Wikis (pmWiki, dokuWiki), and even produced by documentation generators (Sphinx).
AsciiDoctor is designed to easily write large documents with a complex structure. Its foundations are solid and proven (DocBook 1991). It is developed by Dan Allen in close contact with the community of its users. Antora is made to organize these documents and publish them, while leaving a great freedom to their author. The development of Antora is done in concert with that of AsciiDoctor. To learn more about the genesis of the AsciiDoctor/Antora couple, see the presentation AsciiDoc AsciiDoctor Antora.